Grief Counseling, Spiritual Journeying, and other Services

Mary obtained her Masters of Divinity at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO, She is a graduate of the 2 year Benedictine Spiritual Direction program at the Benet Hill Monastery, in Colorado Springs, CO.  Mary is also a Registered Yoga Teacher with over 500 hours of training in Hawaii and Colorado Ashrams , as well as a Board Certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.

She has extensive experience working with adults of all ages, and all levels of sickness and health, especially those with the chronic challenges of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and MS. She enjoys journeying with souls as they find their peace., even suffering the inevitable process od death. Mary believes in the transformation and healing that comes with spiritual practice, and works with people toward deeper relationship with the Divine. She is adept at accompanying chronically ill patients to manage stress and pain, finding calm and peace, and assists with end of life transitions in home, hospital, and hospice settings.


Board Certified Chaplain

Mary is a Board Certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, and has her experience in hospital and hospice settings. She believes in the power of connecting with the Divine toward ultimate healing, even when a physical cure is not always possible. Mary meets her patients, families, and staff where they are at, never with an agenda, but with the goal of a loving, and listening presence , throughout life challenges. Even as end of life approaches, and arrives, Mary is fully present to offer, compassion, comfort, and spiritual care.


Greif Counseling, spiritual Journeying     

Mary is a Certified Spiritual Director through the Benedictine Monastery in Colorado Springs, CO. Deepen and explore your own spiritual journey with professional accompaniment and guidance.

She has also had the privilege of being witness to hundreds of deaths, through her work as a hospital and hospice Chaplain, and subsequently counseling the bereaved. She can be the listening ears of the heart, accompanying clients on the grief journey.

Mary is a member of the Colorado Spiritual Directors, and Spiritual Directors International. Please call 303-847-8743 to request an appointment. 75.00 per one hour session.,for spiritual journeying/exploration, and or grief counseling.


Additional Services      

Mary offers 1 hour appointments for Grief Counseling, in Frisco Co. at 68 School Rd.,if in Summit County, as a community service, and privately in person or phone for those outside of Summit County for a 75.00 fee. She also officiates Memorial Services, Graveside Services, and Weddings,